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Easton Primary School

Online Learning

Good morning, everyone!


Please find below some home learning.  I have written it as if I am explaining it to the children; hopefully it all makes sense but feel free to adapt the explanations to suit your child as you go.  Tasks are as follows:




Please see link below for a phonics game called ‘Phonics Pop’:


Phonics Pop (


YR - Please focus on Set 5: h,b,f,ff,l,ll,ss but feel free to also recap Sets 1-4

Y1 - Please select at least three sounds at a time from the large paler blue box on the right hand side.  Each time, try to include one that you find trickier.




YR - Please could you play Underwater Counting (I thought we’d be topical and have a water theme….)

Learn to Count up to 10 with Underwater Counting Maths Game (

Start with numbers 1 to 5 and then, if you feel like a challenge, have a go at numbers 1 to 10.


Then, play a game with someone else in your house.  Each of you has one minute to go and find some objects.  You can collect any number of objects between 1 and 5.  When the one minute is up, count both sets of objects and decide who has the greater number.  If you would like to record this (you don’t have to), you could take photos or draw pictures of each set of objects and draw a circle around the greatest number.


Y1 - Please could you complete the 9 questions in the workbook from the link below.  The questions are based on your learning from this week as well as recapping your learning from just before half-term.  You might like to use physical objects to support your counting - lego bricks, pens, pasta shells, cuddly toys - anything will do!  


Y1-HL-Autumn-Block-2-Addition-and-subtraction-within-10-2020.pdf (


**I realise that not everyone will have access to a printer, so please feel free to write the question numbers on paper and complete that way.  You don’t need to copy out the whole questions, just as much as is needed for them to be completed. Feel free to also do practically with objects and take photos if that is easier.**


Literacy/Science combined


The children thoroughly enjoyed a visit from Hattie’s mum this week, talking about her role as a vet.  Following on from this, please use the link below to research different pets (the children will need to work with an adult for this!) and answer the question:  If you could have any pet what would it be and why?


YR - Can you draw a picture of the pet you would choose in the middle of a piece of paper?  Can you, with adult support, come up with some simple words or phrases to describe your pet and/or how to look after it?  Your grown up can write your ideas for you, or support you in having a go at writing some words yourself.


Y1 - Can you draw a picture of the pet you would choose in the middle of a piece of paper?  Then write me two sentences to describe your pet and two sentences to explain why you chose it.  You may need a grown up to help you rehearse your sentences out aloud before you write, as well as support you with some of the spellings.


A couple of rainy art ideas…

Lastly, if you’re up for embracing the rain, you could have a go at….


  • Taking a piece of paper or card and dropping different coloured food colouring all over it.  Pop it out in the rain and watch what happens…then bring it back inside to dry.  


  • Sharpen some crayons (or pastels if you have them) over a piece of paper and pop it out in the rain and watch what happens…then bring it back inside to dry. 


  • Totally colour in a whole sheet of paper in water-based felt tip pens; pop it out in the rain and watch what happens…then bring it back inside to dry. 


We would love to see your rainy creations in school tomorrow!


I hope you all manage to stay safe and warm and look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Mrs Kinnair
