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Easton Primary School

Rowan Class

Welcome to Rowan Class - Year  3 & 4


















A big hello from Mrs Staff and welcome to the Autumn Term! 


Welcome to the Autumn term!  I hope you all had a lovely Summer break and are ready for the term ahead which will be full of fun, laughter and learning. Here on the Rowan class page, you will find lots of news and information about our class and find out all about our wonderful learning. 


Your class teacher is me, Mrs Staff and our teaching assistant is Mrs O'Connell who will be with us in the mornings on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. On Tuesday afternoons you will be taught by Miss Buckmaster. 


Autumn Term Curriculum Overview



We will learn spelling patterns each week in class through our spelling lessons and spellings can be practised at home using Spelling Shed. Your login is in your planner. Tests will typically take place on a Friday.


See the statutory spelling lists for each year group at the bottom of the page if you would like to do any additional spelling with your child/ren.


Times Tables 


In Rowan Class we use Times Tables Rockstars to practise our times tables. Each half term we will test your times tables knowledge and TT Rockstars will work out which ones you need to practise next! You can practise as much as you like at home on this - your login is on your journal - but you have to do at least 20 minutes a week at home on it!




You will have a colour-banded reading book.  At school, an adult will hear you read this book at least once a week and will record this in your journal.  Reading books will be sent home along with their journal. You should read at least four times a week for ten minutes each time at home. Please record any reading at home - just the date, pages and title is more than enough.

Please bring in your journal daily, we will use these to communicate anything you need to practice at home and grown ups can use this to communicate with me too! 


We have set reading books for our class on Rising stars:



Other information


PE is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Please make sure that you have the right kit for the weather and come to school wearing it instead of your usual school uniform! 


Yoga - You will also have yoga on a Wednesday, you do not need to come to school in your PE kit for this.


Pencil Cases are not needed - we will provide you with a pencil case of all the things you will need in class!  Please do not bring any pens, pencils, rubbers etc. in from home.



♦ See some of our wonderful learning that happens in Rowan below...

Year 3 & 4 Spellings
