What does Geography look like at Easton?
Geography is the study of places, people, nature and the effect of mankind. It is an inspirational subject which should foster enthusiasm and a passion for learning. Geography is, by nature, an investigative subject, which we aim to encourage and develop across all age ranges. Studying geography is so important for children, regardless of their age or stage of learning. Geography helps them to make sense of the world around them and piques their curiosity in places and people.
Our view of Geography at Easton is that through investigation and enquiry children develop an understanding of concepts, knowledge and skills. Whilst the importance of geographical knowledge is recognised, we also wish to enable children to become lifelong geographers who have the skills and attitudes to continue to appreciate the world around them.
Our progressive geography curriculum has been designed following the concept of embedding the development of geographical skills and enquiry. It is of the shared understanding that through developing this skill, the thirst for acquiring knowledge of the world around us will be present. This can be seen in the Long Term curriculum plan for the school which is delivered in cycles due to the mixed age classes. The school’s planning allows flexibility to embed knowledge of the geography curriculum within other areas of the curriculum to further support opportunities for children to apply their understanding. Further scaffolding of knowledge and understanding can be seen as children learn about other cultures and civilizations, technological developments and literature through other curriculum disciplines. Geography units are taught once per term and rotated half-termly along with History as part of the humanities curriculum in the school.
In a unit of work, pupils will be expected to demonstrate the substantive knowledge which is acquired through access to rich sources of information, artefacts and books. Children will experience history through hands-on lessons and educational visits/visitors with an emphasis on developing chronological understanding in each lesson.
Whilst children will develop knowledge of Locational and Place Knowledge within units of study, they will also be expected to develop their geography skills of enquiry and interpretation, organisation and communication. Children will be given opportunities to demonstrate their understanding through different mediums and other curriculum disciplines, in addition to showing deeper thinking about the human and natural impacts on the physical and human features of the world.
From concept to concept, pupils will be able to compare and contrast significant places across the world discussing their influences and compare them to their local area of Suffolk. Children will visit places of interest to understand how the local area has been developed and sustained in order to be able to confidently discuss their culture in comparison to others around the world. Children will be able to develop an understanding of how and why landscapes have changed over time using a holistic lens.
As part of the study of geography, our students will explore the nine protected characteristics of The Equality Act 2010. This is detailed in the long term curriculum plan which is linked to the school’s ethos of No Outsiders; all different and all welcome.