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Easton Primary School

Curious, Adaptable, Resilient, Kind, Creative

Oak Class

Welcome to Oak Class - Years 5/6! 


In oak Class we want you to grow your knowledge and stand as proud as a 'mighty oak'. 

Welcome back to the Autumn term and the start of a new academic year! 


Mr Mansell is your class teacher and I will be supported by Miss Finn, who will also continue to provide class cover this term. 


On Wednesday afternoons, we have yoga with Yoga Jo and on Friday afternoons, we have golden time and our much-anticipated raffle. 


In our class, any great work or great behaviour is rewarded with team points or raffle tickets. Every Friday, we pick two tickets and those people chosen win a prize from our very exciting and very well stocked raffle box! 


Autumn Term Curriculum Map 2024



We will learn spelling patterns each week in class through our spelling lessons and spellings can be practised at home using Spelling Shed. Your login is in your planner. Tests will typically take place on a Friday. 

Times Tables 


In Oak class, we use Times Tables rockstars to practise our times tables. As you complete Garage Mode on TT Rockstars, the algorithm will work out which ones you need to practise next! You can practise as much as you like at home on this - your login is in your journal - but you should aim to spend at least 30 minutes a week at home on it! 




Children readingYou will have a banded colour reading book that can be taken home for independent reading and a guided reading book that you will read in class with a teacher each week. You should read at least four times a week for ten minutes each time at home. We expect you to write at least three of your reading sessions in your journal. Just the date, pages and title is plenty! You can bring your home reading book back when you finish it and change it! Please let me know when you change your book as I will keep a record of what you have read across the year.

Eedi logoYou will be set maths homework this year on the platform. This uses diagnostic questions to identify misconceptions and provides explanatory videos to resolve them. There are opportunities to earn Eedi Coins to spend on your avatar and, if parents sign up for a free linked account, coins can also be spent on prize draws. Look out for your homework on your learning conversations in your planner.

Google Classroom


Google Classroom is our online learning platform. Here you will find information posted about homework projects and can send a message to your teacher or submit work online. 


If the school has to close, you can use Google Classroom to access lessons. Your login details are in the back of your planner. 


Simply visit to login. 

Other information


PE -  We will have Netball on a Monday afternoon and Swimming on a Tuesday morning. Please come to school in your kit on these days. Please make sure that you are wearing the correct PE kit; if you're not sure what this is please see our uniform page. If you wear earrings, these should be removed for PE/Swimming if possible, or covered with tape if they cannot be removed. 


Planners/Home School Journals - these will travel to and from school every day. We will use these to communicate anything you need to practise at home and grown-ups can use this to communicate with me too! 


