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Easton Primary School

Curious, Adaptable, Resilient, Kind, Creative

Parent Forum

Parent Forum

Welcome to our Parent Forum web page. 


The Parent Forum is a partnership between parents and the school. It is a valuable way to share ideas, views, concerns and make suggestions for improvement. 


The aims of the Parent Forum will be to:


· work together to improve the education provided for our children

· share information, knowledge and skills

· meet in a mutually supportive environment

· further improve communications between parents/carers and staff/governors


The parent forum does not have any statutory responsibilities, duties or powers in the school.


Any parent or carer of a pupil attending the school can join the Parent forums and dates will be published on the newsletter. 


It gives you, the parent, an opportunity to get together on a termly basis with other parents to have your say on what the school is doing well, and suggest ideas of how things could be improved.


Following the meeting we will publish the minutes for all parents to see below! 


We look forward to seeing you at the next one! 





