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Easton Primary School

Curious, Adaptable, Resilient, Kind, Creative

Late/Absence Procedures


Parents should inform the school office by the end of registration if their child is unwell and not attending school.  Please leave a message on the absence line or email the school office. Parents should inform the school everyday that their child is not at school.  


Parents will be contacted if we are unaware of your child's absence.


We request that hospital and doctor appointment letters are shared with the school and the child will then be marked absent due to a medical appointment.


Polite reminder that children should remain off school for 48 hours after the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.


Children should start any treatment for contagious/transmissible diseases, for e.g. conjunctivitis/

head lice before returning to school. 


Medicine can only be administered in school when a form is completed and signed by the parent.


Thank you.


Request for Absence of School Child on Annual Holiday
