At Easton Primary School, our RE curriculum aims to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions, explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions and develop a more rigorous understanding of the numerous religious traditions, beliefs and practices that are followed in our multicultural society.
We aim to build each child’s ‘religious literacy’ helping them understand the nature of religion and belief in the world in which they live. We aim for children to extend their own sense of values, and for lessons to promote their spiritual growth and development. We encourage children to think about their own views and values in relation to the themes and topics studied in the RE curriculum.
Curriculum Design and Progression
- We follow an enquiry-based approach, through the implementation of the Emmanuel Project. Each unit is based around a ‘key question/concept’ allowing the children to engage, enquire, explore, evaluate and express their ideas.
- This approach gives logical progression throughout the curriculum, from EYFS to Key Stage 2. Children will explore 7 main religions, building on their previous knowledge. Lessons begin by exploring basic stories before building to analysing text for the purpose and significance it holds for believers. Pupils then progress to look at practice and community living with a good grasp of the theological concept being explored.
Teaching and Learning Approaches
- The units are developed to allow children to ‘crack open’ a key concept or belief. This ensures the units are theologically grounded and focused on belief and practice.
- Characters are introduced throughout lessons to support empathy and inclusion.
- Lessons are enriched through;
- Handling artefacts
- Exploring sacred texts
- Using imaginative play or drama to express feelings and ideas
- Responding to images, games, stories, art, music and dance
- Meeting visitors from local religious communities
- Making visits to places of worship, where possible, and where not, making use of videos.
- Taking part in whole school events (e.g. multi-faith days, Harvest festival)
- Comparing religions and worldviews through discussion
- Debating and communicating religious beliefs, worldviews and philosophical ideas, asking and answering ultimate questions posed by these.
Cultural Capital and Enrichment
- Equipping the children with the knowledge and understanding of the people and communities within the world we live.
- Enrichment opportunities come from visitors to school and, when possible, visits to religious places of worship.
- RE is teacher-assessed, with evaluations based on written work, class discussions, and practical activities.
- Knowledge and skills are revisited regularly to ensure pupils retain and build on prior learning, particularly in understanding key physical processes.
- Assessments are recorded in the school’s tracking system, and pupil progress is monitored by the subject lead.
SEND and Inclusivity
- Lessons are adapted to meet the diverse needs of all pupils, with strategies such as:
- Simplified texts and resources.
- Differentiated expectations for recording their learning.
- Adult support to guide questioning during class discussions.
Staff Development
- The RE Lead conducts Quality Assurance through lesson observations, work scrutinies, staff meetings and discussions to ensure high quality teaching.
- Teachers are supported by the Emmanuel Project through their detailed explanations of key concepts.
Through this curriculum, children at Easton Primary School will have a deep understanding of religions and beliefs and will develop a rich religious vocabulary. They will have the ability to interpret religious symbolism in a variety of forms, reflect on questions of meaning, offering their own valuable and informed insights into religious and secular world views. Our RE curriculum nurtures inquisitive and informed global citizens who are equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate our multicultural and ever changing society.
The Right to withdraw pupils from RE
Religion and belief have become more visible in public life in recent years, making it important that all pupils should have an opportunity to engage in RE. However, the parent of a pupil at a community, foundation or voluntary school (or pupils themselves if they are aged 18 or over) may request that they be excused from all or part of the religious education (RE) provided.
Parents who wish to withdraw their children from RE should be aware of its aims and what is covered in the RE curriculum and that they are given the opportunity to discuss this if they wish. It should be made clear whether the withdrawal is from the whole RE curriculum or specific parts of it. No reasons need be given
- If pupils are withdrawn from RE, schools have a duty to supervise them,
- . A pupil may be required to work in another area of the school, such as the library or break out area.
- Whilst parents or carers have a right to withdraw children from RE, they should note that children may also encounter religions and beliefs and wider aspects of faith in other areas of the curriculum from which there is no right of withdrawal.
- On occasion, spontaneous questions about religious matters are raised by pupils or issues related to religion arise in other curriculum subjects such as history or citizenship (PSHE) For example, schools promote community cohesion and help pupils to understand ideas about identity and diversity, feelings and emotions within both religious and non-religious contexts.
Managing a request to withdraw from RE
If pupils are withdrawn from RE, schools have a duty to supervise them, though not to provide additional teaching or to incur extra cost. Pupils will usually remain on school premises where it is feasible and appropriate.
Where a request for withdrawal is made, the school must comply and excuse the pupil until the request is rescinded. Though not legally required, it is good practice for a head teacher to invite parents to discuss their written request.
(Section 71(3), School Standards and Framework Act 1998).