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Easton Primary School

Curious, Adaptable, Resilient, Kind, Creative

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium at Our School


All members of staff, Local Governing Body and Trust are committed to meeting the pastoral, social and academic needs of vulnerable groups of children within the school environment. The Trust aims to enable vulnerable pupils to achieve as well as their peer group and the pupil premium forms a vital part of that process. Provision is always determined by the needs of the children and looks at a variety of ways of supporting pupils and addressing their needs. Easton Primary School supports all children and our data analysis (both quantitative and qualitative) shows that those pupils for whom the school receives the Pupil Premium Grant continue to achieve at least in line with their peers.  


Reporting Pupil Premium

It is the responsibility of School Senior Leaders to explain pupil premium expenditure to the Local Governing Body and parents in the form of an annual statement. There is no set format for the report of pupil premium. The Trust will publish update the pupil premium spend annually in September on each school’s website.


This information aims to detail how Pupil Premium has been used within school. This will detail the attainment and progress of pupils who are covered by the premium and the interventions and curriculum changes that have been supported by the additional funding. It will also report on the progress on the achievement of vulnerable learners and this will be supported by reported data and academic progress. We also evaluate the progress of our pupils through regular discussions where we look for marginal gains. These can be both pastoral and academic. These are carried out regularly across the year between teams of teaching staff.


Regular reports will be presented on the progress of pupils supported by Pupil Premium to the LABs of each academy school.
