At Easton MFL is about opening the children’s minds to other cultures and deepening their understanding of the world and gain a 'cultural capital' identifying similarities and differences between cultures. Although our current MFL is French we strive to provide opportunities to experience a range of other languages.
We want MFL to be taught as a skill based subject, allowing teachers and children to develop their use of vocabulary through everyday conversations, oral activities so to become familiar with a language, writing and reading. The teaching should provide an appropriate balance of spoken and written language which should lay the foundations for further foreign language teaching in key stage 3. We teach the key skills through topics using Rigolo.
MFL is not mandatory for Key stage 1 children but at Easton we will be able offering the children to begin to understand the language of French through stories, songs and rhymes and have a basic understanding of parts of the body. This will give them the opportunity to have an insight in to the French language before entering key stage 2.
By the end of key stage 2 children at Easton will be able to:
-Listen to the spoken language and show understanding by joining in
-Engage in conversation by asking and answering questions and expressing opinions.
-Learn how to develop accurate pronunciation and intonation and read aloud using familiar words and phrases.
-Learn to read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing.
-Broaden their vocabulary, write phrases from memory, describe people, places, things and actions and understand basic grammar.
Impact will be measured through key questioning skills built into lessons, child-led assessment in their 'French passport', jigsaw targets and summative assessments aimed at targeting next steps in learning. They will leave key stage 2 with the necessary skills embedded to learn further languages.